Thursday, 30 April 2015

Oscar's interview

We struggled a bit finding someone to play our captor in our film. We had already decided that we wanted Frankie as our victim, as we knew it was a role she was fully suited for. However, we could not find someone who provided the intimidating air needed for our captor.  We knew that we wanted them to be tall, and have confidence when acting. We posted it around and my friend Oscar replied and when we asked him for an interview explaining what he had been in, he sent us this.   


After further questioning we found out he had played the bad or mean characters in these productions, with this information we decided he would be a good person for the part. There was a slight worry by the fact he went to boarding school as it would make filming hard, however luckily over half term he was free to film so we managed to get him to agree to be in our film.

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